5/22/13: Grow and Cultivate Your Marriage

This is the first of many posts on marriage and on life in general and how God wants men to live it out. Wedding_rings


As I sit here, sipping on some water and spending downtime in the office, I find myself thinking about a lot of different things. One thing that continually comes to mind, is that of what I am going to be becoming in just under 24 days, which is a husband. In 24 days I will become one flesh with the ever beautiful Amber Benteman and will get the joy to take care of her and have her take care of me for the rest of my life. Most men, when put into this situation would be scared and nervous, as was I just a couple days ago. The statistics are rather striking of so many men putting off marriage or even having a strong relationship with a woman, but blowing it off. In our culture, especially popular culture, we tend to romanticize the idea of the bachelor life, the single life and the party scene. This has been alarming to me over my adolescence, and into my early adulthood.

But, this morning, while I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee, I realized that as men and as husbands, we do not have to fear marriage. If we are fearing the next big step, it is not because we are afraid of marriage, rather it is because we are wanting to stay stuck in childhood as much as we possibly can, as well as having a very strong fear of responsibility and going out into the world. But, as men of the faith, we can hold fast to the truth that Jesus Christ, our Savior, will always be there for us and will not forsake us. If we are to be men, and become the men that God himself has called us to be, we need to look at the commands that God himself laid out for us. As husbands and the leaders of our homes, we need to do what God commands of the first man and do it better. In Genesis 2:15, God commands “The Lord God too the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it”. In some versions, he says to work and cultivate it. This is something God calls all men to do, in all we do, to work and cultivate. He calls us to do this in our jobs, in our gardens, in our homes, and most importantly in our marriages. We are to work at it and not hide. We are to cultivate and grow our marriages and not divorce and run away. If your wife subsequently leaves you or lashes out or cries a lot and mentions that she doesn’t feel loved. It is not her fault, it is yours. You see, we as husbands are called, are demanded to cultivate and grow our wives. It is our duty to talk with them, love them, bring them up in the faith. We should be sharing stories with our wives. We should be sharing our pains, our struggles, our joys, our fears with them daily and nightly. This is what God calls us to do in just the second chapter of Genesis.

Tomorrow, I will be diving deeper into what else God calls us husbands to do in our marriages. I hope you will continue on this path with me.


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