Finding A Routine.

Over this past weekend, I have been having a lot of thoughts going around in my head. Well, that’s not true. In retrospect, these thoughts have been going on since Covid-19 really sprang into action, so I suppose it would have been about a month or so that these thoughts have been brewing, but nevertheless, […]

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Saint Augustine.

So, over this past weekend, while everyone was freaking out over COVID-19, my wife and I decided to take a much needed spring break trip down to beautiful St. Augustine. I had never been there before, but my wife, being the true Floridian that she is, knew that I would enjoy is with all of […]

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In my most recent post, I wrote about whiteness and how we should use it for good instead of evil. Today, though, I want to go further and focus on representation. You see, I grew up watching a lot of television. My parents were big fans of shows like Leave it to Beaver, Happy Days, […]

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I have been holding up my end of the bargain that I made to myself not that long ago, to read more. I made it my goal to read 100 books each year, to reach my goal of 1000 books by the end of my thirties. The funny thing is, though, the books that I […]

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2020… what?

This is going to be a short one, but wow. 2020, it is here. I have been thinking about this year a lot over the past week or so and the word that keeps coming up in my mind is the word hustle. I have a bunch of crazy goals this year, some I will […]

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Stony The Road

So, over the past few weeks, I have been reading this really spell binding book called “Stony The Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow” by Henry Louis Gates Jr. This book has truly opened my eyes to what is actually going on in our country and how history indeed repeats itself. […]

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Why I Love History

People have often asked me, why do you teach history and why do you love history? This is a two part question that most don’t get to see behind the curtain. The first part of the question though of why do you teach history, well is simply because they tell me to. I teach world […]

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Teachers Are Artists.

So the other day, I was thinking about teaching and it how it pertains to art and culture, because frankly, I look at everything in my life and the life around me through the lens of art and culture. I did this because I at time like to people watch. Sometimes this is through watching […]

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