Growing Up: The Walk


I’m just going to say it now. I may say I am good a lot of things, but one thing I have always struggled with is my walk with Christ. I am a born again, baptized believer in the one true God, but I am often times a failure. I am often times a schmuck. I fail in every way I can possibly fail when it comes to my walk with Jesus.

 This is something that I think we all can relate with.  Because, if you are like me, you are a believer who wants to do better, but fails daily. We get up each morning and bust our ass each day to be the best we can. We try our hardest to prove ourselves to our friends, our family, strangers, and the like. We even try to look perfect in the eyes of our heavenly father. But we often forget, is that we are not perfect. 

 Jesus gave us one of the hardest commands ever given out. “Be Perfect, just as your heavenly father is perfect”. This is impossible because we are flawed creatures who sin and sin often. But luckily we have a savior in Jesus and a gracious God. We do not have to fail in our walks, but instead can embrace the grace that God puts on us. We can allow the grace and mercy to flow through us. We can get back up each day, after each failure, and try again.

 So what if we miss a bible reading? So what if we forget to pray? So what if we sin? We have the creator and savior of the universe picking us back up and forgiving us. That is pretty powerful and it gives me hope in my walk with Jesus.

 How is your walk going, and more importantly, are you relying on his Grace and power, or are you relying on your own power? 

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