Good Morning, My Next Decade.

Good Morning, my third decade of existence. I write to you on the porch of a small little porch here in beautiful Brooklyn, New York. Come and have a seat, I made you some coffee. Don’t worry, this is the drink of choice for not only the next ten years, but the rest of your […]

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Endgame: A Review.

What if you had the ability to go back and change your mistakes? Would you do it, or live with the consequences? This is one of the many underlying messages and questions put forward in “The Avengers: Endgame”, that came out about 3 weeks or so ago.  In this breathtaking film, we start off in […]

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New is Always Better

I am a big fan of the show, or was a big fan of the show “How I met Your Mother” when it was on television. I remember a specific episode that still rings true with me in my soul. Barney Stinson, played by the always great and charming Neil Patrick Harris, tells the protagonist […]

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Love God, Do Things.

Its time for another confession. I am what you would call lazy. Now you see, a typical day for me involves me rolling out of bed, making coffee, letting the dogs out, going to work, coming home, sitting on the couch with the wife, and then going to bed. Not a bad life from the […]

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Art, God, and Other Things

Another Guest Post from one of my good friends in the art community, Stephen Tafoya, a film student from KU.  So art. It’s definitely a thing. Yeah, I’m not one for small talk. Not even in real life, much less in text. So, Imma just get right inta dis. As Christians, we are told to […]

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What Love Can Be

I have had a yearning in my heart for some time. This yearning has been stirring up in me, deep inside my heart and my gut for a long time, and it is best time it comes out.  We, as a community and a church, are loving wrong. Walk with me in this sentiment before […]

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WretchCon 2014: The Local Church Needs to Change


Recently, my wife and I helped staff a mission trip known as Wretch Con.  In it, we helped serve Lawrence and the Greater Kansas City area. Over a very tiring and a bit stressful three days, something hit me that was stronger than anything has in a very long time.

The local church is not doing its job.

You see, we sent our youth kids, who were an average age of 13-16, into areas that were not safe and they excelled and formed a heart of service. We were handing out lunches to homeless people, we were hanging out with them, fellowshipping with them, and loving on them. But it was not us that were truly ministering to them, but reverse order.

By the end of the trip, God really showed me one thing in particular. Instead of sitting back and throwing money at the situation of homelessness, sex trafficking, or any other thing in the mission field, why don’t we do as Jesus calls for us to, and act? In Matthew, he calls for us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and take care of the sick. But for the most of us, we throw money in the offering plate and hope that someone else will take care of it while we sit back and live our lives.

I firmly believe that we need to take the gifts that God has given us and give back. Time is the best thing we can offer in our community. For most of us, our needs our met, but for the minority they need our help, we need to show grace to them and let them show grace to us.

If I have learned anything from this trip, it is that we must act. A role model of mine, Bob Goff once said that he has a sign on his office door, which reads, “To live a great life, Love God, Love Others, Do things.”

I believe this applies to all of us.

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I have been thinking a lot lately, about what really matters. What are my priorities, and what am I truly chasing in life. This often happens over a cup of coffee and a journal, or over a meal. But what I am starting to realize more and more is that as we grow older, our […]

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