Life Must be Lived Now, Rather than Later


In my life, I have been given lots of time to think. Whenever I am sipping on coffee or a good beer, I find myself thinking and thinking deeply. I have seen that we are living in a world that moves fast and loose, but most of us sit on the sidelines and dont do anything.  I often look back on the lives of those from decades and even centuries past that got out and really lived life. They explored and discovered great things, they made mistakes, they did things. But when we look at people today, not just men, but women and children as well, we are a people who sit back and let life come to us instead of going out in grabbing it by the horns. This is troubling, more then anything because we are letting life pass us by. We are sitting by and becoming much more lazy then past generations. We are not getting out there and making a difference.

The way I have always seen the big stories in life and in history, is that most great stories are ones where the main character sees a calling or a mission and does whatever he can to accomplish that specific thing. This is what we should be doing as men and women in society today. We should be living our lives like stories. In a book from Donald Miller titled, “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years”, he tells how each and everyone of us should be living our lives like a story. He says in this book that when we get to heaven, and sit on a bench next to our savior, he will ask us one simple question, “Tell me some stories from your life”. The small batch of us will have some really killer stories about climbing mountains or leading a revival, or leading our families to do something awesome. But sadly, a lot of us are not there in that moment right now. A lot of us are in the mindset of our stories looking like this: Born, college, married, work, kids, retirement, death. This is boring and not how we should be living. I would encourage all of you to start living a story today. Take small steps, but start living. Get off the couch and take a walk with your wife. Get out of the theater and start chasing down what you were meant to do today. If you dont do it now, then when?

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